Spirits to the rescue!

Spirits to the rescue!

“I do not wish to be hurt any more. Give me chloroform or something,” he directed, while waiting for the anesthetist.

Courtesy of the Churchill Archives Centre, Cambridge; CHAR 1/400A/46,

Shortly after 10:30 p.m. on December 13, 1931, Churchill attempted to cross Fifth Avenue in New York City and was struck by a car. The accident occurred because Churchill apparently forgot that, in the United States, traffic keeps to the right whereas in his native United Kingdom it keeps to the left.

Otto Pickhardt, Lenox Hill’s admitting physician came to the rescue by issuing Churchill the Get Out of Prohibition Free Pass, above.

"...the post-accident convalescence of the Hon. Winston S. Churchill necessitates the use of alcoholic spirits especially at meal times. The quantity is naturally indefinite but the minimum requirements would be 250 cubic centimetres." \

[What he said on the matter: My New York Misadventure] 

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